History of Freedom

Episode 6 – The American Revolution

Pre-Revolution War America

The real revolution began with the American colonies, when separatists, dissenters, capitalists, and others sought something different

Declaring Independence/American Identity

Inspired by Enlightenment philosophy, Jefferson crafted a document that articulated the grievances of the American colonies while asserting the inherent rights of all individuals.

Post-Revolution Freedom
Recognizing the shortcomings of the Articles of Confederation, a Constitutional Convention was held in 1787. The result of this gathering was the drafting of the U.S. Constitution

Time for Reflection

What impact has this episode had on your thoughts about the way the American Revolution shaped our current freedoms?


Under the Articles of Confederation, the central government lacked significant power. This was a deliberate decision to prevent a recurrence of the perceived abuses of authority experienced under British rule.

Recognizing the shortcomings of the Articles of Confederation, a Constitutional Convention was held in 1787. The result of this gathering was the drafting of the U.S. Constitution, which aimed to establish a stronger federal government while still protecting the rights of individuals and states.

If you had participated in the Constitutional Convention of 1787, would you have supported the Federlists (stronger central government), or Non-Federalists (more power to individual states)? Why would you support one position over the other?

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